
Searching for the Left Behind

The Question

They could be a member of your family, or a friend or acquaintance, or a work colleague. They voted in good faith for Brexit, and unless the person is an ideological zealot they will be disappointed at the outcome so far. Can we define a type for these people?

Leaning in from the Right

I decided to read around the sound bites. I thought that insights from an academic might help, so I got stuck into 'Values, Voice and Virtue', by Matthew Goodwin, who is Professor of Politics at the University of Kent.

Late Life Crisis - October 2022

WFC - working from the countryside? An emigrant from London, quoted in The Times, bemoaned the local unavailability of decent sushi. Probably not the best standard-bearer.


Advice out that older people should lift heavy weights in order to maintain fitness. So I am off down to collect a case of wine from the Concierge.


Late Life Crisis - August 2022

I loved Laura Kenny's podium appearance after winning a Commonwealth cycling Gold for England. It being the Commonwealth Games, 'Jerusalem' is played as the anthem. Except our Laura was none too clear on when it finished, turning prematurely back to face front. With a shrug and a smile, she charmed her way through (also giving a stand-out interview afterwards about getting demotivated during training).


To Benjamin Franklin is credited the saying: 'It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.'

Late Life Crisis - January 2021

The Waitrose Sprout Scandal, Part 2. December's Late Life Crisis tells the story,, but the summary is that Waitrose substituted a bag of sprouts with a single sprout in an online shop, and then charged £0.01p for the sprout.